2014. augusztus 10., vasárnap

a cotton blal taht gerw a fab

ecob tiehr he

sdahe lekis bnieg peht

tis o'ens pliyang wtih his fria

dnepes of the hamms

regruball peli

telt's ptiloe to torhw up at an owl dennir pa

ytrif sinelce wree louuf

ssendzzy sailette  dispir

hped the llttie g'lris fcae o

2014. július 27., vasárnap

2014. július 1., kedd

The video excerpt (Keeping Up Appearances):


Find these:

t_ _ _   m_ _ _ _'_    l_ _ _    o_ _  = nobody should know about it

o_    s_ n _ _ y    d_ _ _  =  on guard, standing somewhere and watching out for hazards (army service usually)

p_ _ _ _ _ _ _   =  a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively 

(here she refers to the house)

How i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!   = How heartless/thoughtless!

c_ _ _ _ _ _      a_     the house = entering the house