2011. június 29., szerda

The one that started out with the chill-out story of the man who jumped out of the helicopter (twice, three times, four times ....)

You won't believe it, I saw a bunny rabbit hippity-hopping along your street when I was riding my bike home. It ran into a garden where a German shepherd was chasing its own tail ... Huh!

2011. június 28., kedd

When Suzie's hair was blowing in the wind ....

We reconstructed the story we played on Saturday:

Once upon a time there was a mama rabbit who gave birth to two baby rabbits. One was a little grey bunny with short, upright ears. This bunny was smaller, slower and sleepier than the other one who was a slightly hyperactive one, black and white with long, hanging-down ears, considerably bigger than the other rabbit.

One day the bigger rabbit jumped out of the burrow and ran away. So did the other one, followed by mama.
The flayer (rabbit shelter attendant, to put it nicely) caught them and put them into cages along with mother rabbit.

The rabbit shelter attendant, RSA for short had the habit of mixing potions, formulas, all kinds of serums and injections. By accident she gave herself a shot of a serum that decreased her body temperature as low as 20 °C, she didn't have headaches any more plus she was not able to sleep any more either.
Well, she tried reading a bedtime story and listen to a lullaby but no use. Then she decided she would ask customers to yawn in exchange for rabbits. The presence of yawning people makes you yawn and consequently sleepy, that is.  First there was the girl with the high-pitched voice, then the man with the low-pitched voice and finally a woman came. Then the RSA ran out of rabbits.

Soon came along the really special French man who had a catcher. He was not aware of the concept of perspective and he wanted to catch everything because he thought everything fits in his catcher.
Then a journalist wanted an interview with the stupid catcher (SC) and then the reporter wanted to see the rabits that SC had caught. Then they got the GPS to guide them to the rabbit shelter and SC was holding it right in front of his face so he knocked against everything. A passer-by called the police. 
SC sat into the police car that arrived shortly, the police officer was wearing a protector mask all the time because SC kept hitting his head with his catcher tool. Finally SC got out of the car and thanked the officer for the trip with French song: "Merci, merci, merci, merci, merci …"
Eventually the reporter and SC got to the RSA and they saw the rabbits. That moment another person came to yawn, a serious person and RSA wanted to joke with him but he didn't laugh. Next a girl came who was laughing all the time and RSA could tell her a joke and she laughed. The the last one, the crying person came and he did yawn but RSA couldn't sleep.

We also practised present perfect.

Some fun videos, verb forms:

2011. június 27., hétfő

So she didn't fall into the lake


We both told each other about the weekend, we included one element of the story that was not true.
Lili didn't fall into the lake and Barbara didn't go to sleep at 7 p.m. on Saturday. :D

Lili told about a girl who liked ALL animals except snakes. Once she put a snail and a worm on her hand!! Yuk!
We saw what a spidergraph/mindmap is. (Lili's very good at animal classification, there seems to be nothing new to learn for her:))

Also we brushed up Present Simple-Present Continuous, no problems. We played a mime game.
Micro stories:

  • Lili wanted to sit down on a chair but someone pulled the chair away and she fell down on the ground, then she got mad and got two guns from her pockets and just shot the person down Aaaaaaargh!
  • Barbara dropped a watermelon and it broke and then she ate it.
  • Lili was building a house and she said it was good and safe but the house collapsed :O

We played tic-tac-toe.

We discussed what she loved, liked, didn't mind, didn't like and hated.
